Dec. 20, 2020 The Kingdom of God is within you

The Kingdom of God is within you

Christ and the Kingdom of God are inseparable and the Kingdom of God is now within. The Kingdom of God is the kingdom of Christ and Christ is in you. He has given the Holy Spirit to dwell within. You can only be in one kingdom at a time. There can only be one kingdom within you.

The Kingdom of God is present in the rule and reign of God within all those who are in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of Christ. The kingdom of God is the kingdom of Christ. Christ and the Kingdom of God are one. If you are in Christ, the kingdom of God is within you.

The unrighteous do not inherit the Kingdom of God but The Kingdom of God is a gift of inheritance from God to His children. In Christ we have salvation, and the power of God and authority of Christ. In Christ, God is our Father and we are children of God, recipients of many gifts including citizenship in the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom does not come because we work hard to make it come. It does not come through our doing good works in society. It does not come by working hard, forcing ourselves to try to be obedient, by keeping laws, being legalistic, being moral, being religious, “holy wars” or living up to some kind of “Christian standards”. It also does not come via Church meetings, having so called community, or communal or group anything. The kingdom does not come because people join hands and sing “we are the world”. We don’t make it happen, it already is.

God brings people into His Kingdom through faith, by the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Those who are in Christ by God’s redemptive power have been moved from one kingdom to another. In Christ, God transfers you out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of His beloved Son. When this happens, you are now in a new kingdom and the Kingdom of God is now within you.

The Kingdom of God is the same as His salvation, His power, His rule and His authority, and all this through Jesus Christ. This all happens within…. and is expressed by the actions (fruit) of the Holy Spirit.

The Kingdom of God comes by faith and resides within the spirit, which is within the soul (where is heart, mind and will) , which is within the physical body. And yes, the physical body is also important.

The Kingdom of God is the rule and reign of God within each child of God and this happens by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God is shown or revealed by the actions of the Spirit of God, within His people.

The Kingdom of God within is the fruit of the Holy Spirit within… among which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. God demonstrates these to us, and we demonstrate them to Him and to the world, when these show themselves in and through us. For example love. God loves us and fills us with His love, and we love Him and love others with the supernatural love of God. This love within, given to us as a gift by God, is the love we have for Christ. He loves us and we love Him. It is a two-way relationship.

In Christ, you are now part of His Kingdom. Though you physically reside on the earth in your body, spiritually you are no longer a dweller of the earth. Spiritually you have been transferred to the Kingdom of God through repentance and faith, through the blood of Christ, through the power of God, and this Kingdom is within. You are no longer a member of the kingdoms of this world.

The kingdom of God is within you; Christ is within you. Jesus Christ is our kingdom and He is our King. Understanding your citizenship in the kingdom of God is so important because it helps you understand that your loyalty and allegiance lies with Christ. You belong to God! 

Understand that your identity is in Christ. You are a child of God! Having firm conviction of this will help you make many decisions as you are faced with choices in this world. You have been bought with a price, the price of the precious blood of Christ. You are now a member of His kingdom. Jesus is now your King!

Christ is living in you and growing your faith and love. You will be filled with the faith and love and righteousness of Christ and made a temple of worship and praise and love to God. Christ loves us so much with great love and our response is nothing other than great love for Him.

The Kingdom of God does not just stay within; it is not hidden away inside. It is not a secret thing. First within, it then proceeds out and is manifest in the lives and actions of the child of God. The kingdom of God thus does not come with observation in the sense that we think of seeing “a thing or place over there”. It’s not, “Oh look, there is the Kingdom there in that place” or “there it is in that organization” or “there it is in that country” or “there it is in that movement” …. and such. It is not something man can create or sell or withhold or force or declare or legislate or design and engineer or start up as a business or legally create with articles of incorporation. It is the work of our God, the indwelling and the power of the Holy Spirit within the hearts of His beloved redeemed people.